Create visible leadership and meaningful interactions to support a culture of trust, inclusion and transparency.
ditoask allows employees to post questions that are directed to a member of your leadership team. Using crowd sourcing techniques, dito helps to manage structured dialogue with large audiences with minimal effort.
Building trust depends on good communication!
- ditoask sends your management a list of their questions for response, identifying the most commented and highly promoted.
- ditoask provides great opportunities to foster dialogue with staff and to get insights into what is on peoples’ hearts and minds..
- to encourage candour, employees can choose to make their response anonymous.
Leadership Engagement = Employee Motivation!
The number one priority for business leaders is to motivate, inspire and encourage teams to work together towards common goals.
With globalisation and the rapid pace of change structured dialogue helps significantly to communicate the changes in present positions, structures, networks, practices and routines due to those situations.