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Measure your people’s Mood and the daily attitude of your employees and provide actionable insights as to why.

dito mood

ditomood asks your employees to express their mood by choosing one of four emoticons. Once selected, each of those moods triggers a simple question to explain the reason for the choice.

Continuous measurement of your people's mood in under 60 seconds!

  • Uncover issues, discover opportunities and make informed decisions using actionable real-time results.
  • The intuitive design delivers a positive user experience.
  • To encourage candour, employees can choose to make their response anonymous.
  • Our analytics track mood over time giving you a 'company temperature' and identifies any recurring issues that can be actioned or addressed.

What do we know about the mood within our company?
In Europe, about 65% of the national income is generated by labour - only 35% comes from capital. We know our company's daily share price but we know nothing about the mood of our employees .

dito mood

dito mood employee engagement solution | ontopica

dito mood dashboard | ontopica

Advanced analytics to turn your peoples responses into actionable insights

  • Uncover issues, discover opportunities and make informed decisions using actionable real-time results.
  • The intuitive design delivers a positive user experience.
  • To encourage candour, employees can choose to make their response anonymous.
  • Our analytics track mood over time giving you a 'company temperature' and identifies any recurring issues that can be actioned or addressed.

Real-time reporting supported by our exclusive natural language processing capabilities and semantic clustering algorithms

dito mood

Simplified system design with low administrative requirements
ditomood is available on desktop and smartphone SaaS and dedicated hosting solutions Email notifications and Socialmedia integration Customised to meet your language and branding needs Privacy regulations compliant

dito mood employee engagement solution | ontopica