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participatory budgeting

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crowdsource, deliberate, prioritize

most successful participation process in Germany

participatory budgeting allows citizens to get involved when municipalities consult on the focus of forthcoming expenses, investments and infrastructural projects.

Citizens get a better understanding of interdependencies, structural expenses and at the same time can actively contribute their ideas and preferences on where to save and where to spend. This serves as a valuable support for local governments to assess the advantages of one proposal versus antoher and the drawbacks of severe cuttings.

  • give a voice to citizens in your area and listen to them
  • start a direct dialogue, non linear, but structured and with concrete insights
  • find the optimum solution to so called 'wicked problems'
  • structured deliberation combines qualitative argumentation with quantitave prioritization
  • use the weighted argumentation map and base decisions upon a broad foundation

call us now to find out more!

noise action planning

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Lärmkartierung E-Partizipation Lärmaktionsplanung Köln |
Lärmkartierung E-Partizipation Lärmaktionsplanung Essen |
Massnahmen E-Partizipation Lärmaktionsplanung Köln |
Kommentar E-Partizipation Lärmaktionsplanung Köln |
Where can we party? Where can we sleep?

intereactive noise maps

Develop a concrete noise action plan with the citizens in your municipality, according to the European Commission's Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EG.

with dito proposals can be issued with easily with their geo-reference and shared with other participants. Interactive maps display the measured, objective noise and allow interesting insights on where noise bothers people - and where it is not a nuisance. A combined approach of crowdsourcing and noise models help local governments to prioritize where to action first and as many residents as possible profit from these.

  • priorities most urgent issues
  • dito is accessible via smartphones, thus enabling 'in situ' participation. Wherever. Whenever.
  • we take care of your browser based GIS requirements, transform your environmental data models from any format into established geodetic standards

call us to find out more!

regional energy concepts

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Themen E-Partizipation Energiekonzept Oderland Spree |

Statistik E-Partizipation Energiekonzept Oderland Spree |
The biggest challenge since the German reunification*

participatory planning for the change of energy production, efficiency and regional value chains

We support you in the organization of energy concepts for your region and ensure that all stakeholders are involved. Regional planning 2.0 means a clear undertanding of the consequences of different scenarios. Unlike trial and error, participatory regional planning helps to assess the economic, social and environmental effects of policies with a fine-grained resolution.

  • a transparent dialogue stands for trust and increases the acceptance of decisions
  • show different ways to achieve an aim, and enrich and evolve them through the wisdom of the crowd
  • dito documents each step of the planning process and makes required information easily accessible
  • get sound indicators on which you can base your decisions

*Quote of German Federal Minister for Environment Peter Altmaier

call us now for more details!

citizen dialogue and feedback

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Kandidaten im Online-Dialog OB-Wahl Bonn |

Frage im Online-Dialog OB-Wahl Bonn |
transparent two-way communication

ask the mayor / ask the government

Foster communication in your city or area and open up a bidirectional channel between citizens and administration. Identify the topics that citizens are really interested in. Continuos feedback in both was reduces prejudices and helps to adapt better to a changing world. call us now for more details!

issue management

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Status eines Anlieges im Anliegenmanagement |

Beiträge werden auf interaktiven Karten verortet |
getting things done

make issues, hints and suggestions of your citizens visible

Increase the service level in your municipality. Keep citizens updated on the status and inlcude them in developing a better quality of life in your area.

  • issues with an exact geo reference
  • give status updates upon changes - push messages instead of polling
  • don't lose, collect innovative ideas at a central place, resume them when time and resources are given
  • become a participatory and open government

call us now for more details!

strategy development

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Screenshot Online-Dialog | ontopica
agenda setting

Include citizens into the shaping of the political agenda. Stick to facts and discuss conflicts in a stark way. A dialogue

call us now for more details!

innovation assessment

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Logo der agrathaer GmbH
coming soon!
The InventionAssessmentTool is a joint devlopment of ZALF e.V., ontopica GmbH and agrathaer GmbH.

custom participation processes

nach oben
ontopica - Wir organisieren E-Partizipation!
ontopica - Wir organisieren E-Partizipation!

Get in touch with us if you have concrete ideas on other ways of particpatory creation. We implement your specific requirements and support with our experience by successful participation projects.

call us now for more details!